Nursing Home

Project information

  • Category: Business Analysis
  • Client: Nursing Home in New Taipei
  • Project date: June 2013 - September 2013

This nursing home was facing declining profitability and needed someone to help figure out what was happening. As a result of being a 3 decade old facility, the nursing home was faced with deteriorating room conditions, where rain water would percolate through the roof and wall, causing the concrete to shed paint and concrete, making rooms uninhabitable. Exlcuding the rooms that were labelled uninhabitable, their vacancy rate was nearly at 100%. However, the financial impact of these rooms where not directly quantified and monitored, causing the revenue to decline, while maintaining the same cost structure, despite the growing vacancy rate. With our recommendation to prioritize their focus on the deteriorating rooms, they were able to secure public funding, which they were previously unable to secure, to reinforce the structure of the rooms, thus raising the number of habitable rooms by 15 folds.